Boyd Hemphill
Keynote Speaker
Boyd Hemphill is a DevOps raconteur in the Silicon Hills of Austin Texas. Boyd founded and organized the Austin DevOps Meetup for over 9 years. He privileged to serve as part of the DevOps Days Austin Organizers team. In his professional life, Boyd has been a developer (PL/SQL, PHP), DBA, and system administrator. Today, he is a Senior Engineering Manager at Tackle.io helping companies list their software on the cloud marketplaces.
- Tech Debt - Why you Need it. Keynote

Christina Aldan
Keynote Speaker
Christina Aldan is a brand strategy consultant, keynote speaker, trainer, and mentor. She offers businesses brand consulting and creative content for everyday media. With over 15 years of experience in the digital realm, Christina is highly regarded for her approach to business, partnering with clients to find unique strategies that ensure their goals are met. Christina builds connections through her keynote addresses, training workshops, and technological education. She uses these tools to help individuals and businesses cultivate value in everyday media. Christina has delivered talks on all 7 continents, presenting training workshops for the Microsoft MVP community, international corporations, and conferences worldwide. Christina uses her charisma and expertise to inspire others by mentoring women in business like herself. She also has sat on state and local boards supporting women in tech, entrepreneurship, mental health, and children with learning disabilities.
She is the recipient of the Las Vegas Women in Tech Community Service Award, the Distinguished Woman of the Year Award in STEM. Learn more at: Luckygirliegirl.com.

Mike Lehan
Keynote Speaker
Mike has been working in web application development using PHP for 12 years, including time as a CTO and startup founder. Through working on business critical systems with real time elements Mike has learned the value of comprehensive logging & monitoring, redundant checks on applications & infrastructure, and of course well written testable code. He has a strong desire to train & mentor the next generation of web engineers.

Rissa Jackson
Keynote Speaker
When I was young I always assumed that computers were magic and programming wasn’t for me. You have to be amazing at math, right? However, after several years of printing "hello world" as an adult, I realized that computers are still magic, but programming is definitely for me.
While getting my degree (International Relations/Chinese) at UT Austin I discovered that although I loved studying my major, it wasn’t what I wanted to do professionally. I took a Computer Science course and continued on to get a CS certificate before graduating. I haven't looked back since.
In my first job, I learned PHP and fell in love with Laravel. Ever since, I’ve continued to choose jobs that allow me to keep working with it. Currently, I’m a Fullstack Software Developer at Loop Returns, where I work with Laravel and Vue. I love learning new things about programming and sharing them with others.
My biggest passion outside of work is acro/partner acrobatics. I never thought I could be athletic, but from the first time I tried acro I was in love. I currently teach at festivals all over the US, and started a non-profit for my community where I served as President for two years. My superpower is learning new hobbies and skills as an adult. Then when I teach them to others I not only still remember many of the pitfalls, I occasionally still fall into them.
- Changing Your Story Keynote

Aaron Francis
I'm a Laravel performance consultant and the marketing engineer at Tuple. I live in Dallas with my wonderful wife and our two 1-year-old twins.

Adam Culp
Adam Culp (@AdamCulp) a Senior Principal Software Engineer, is passionate about developing with PHP and contributes to many open-source projects. He organizes the SunshinePHP Developer Conference and the South Florida PHP and Python User Groups (SoFloPHP, SoFloPy) where he enjoys helping others write good code, implement standards, and refactor efficiently. When he is not coding or contributing to various developer communities, he can be found indoor rock climbing or hiking around the U.S. National Parks, teaching judo, and long-distance (ultra) running.

Andreas Heigl
Andreas helps solving problems via his company stella-maris.solutions. He sometimes even uses code for that. His special interests are in weird topics like time and calendars, odd technologies like LDAP and organizational challenges related to remote work. Besides his family and contributions to different open-source-projects he still finds the time to co-run PHPUGFFM, the PHP-Usergroup in Frankfurt/Main and maintain PHP.ug.
- How to tame a ? Talk
- When UTC is the answer... Talk

Ash Banaszek
Ash Banaszek is a passionate and outspoken UX advocate with over a decade of experience in the field. Ash holds a masters of science in information science from Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO and returns to occasionally guest lecture in human factors and human-computer interaction courses. Ash has a passion for teaching and getting folks to that "ah-hah" moment about UX. As an avid proponent of creating technology people want to use, Ash's eternal quest is to destroy technology that gets people so frustrated that they want to chuck it out of a window. Outside of righting tech wrongs, Ash is an award-winning Toastmaster and uses public speaking experience to infuse humor and thought-provoking questions into talks. You can find Ash at ux-ash.com or follow on Twitter @ashbanaszek or linkedin.com/in/ashmb.
- UX Pitfalls Talk

Beth Tucker Long
Beth Tucker Long is a PHP developer and organizer of the Full Stack Madison and Madison Web Design & Development groups. Beth is a firm believer in promoting community and mentoring. She runs Treeline Design, a web development company, and Exploricon, a gaming convention, along with her husband, Chris.

Carl Alexander
Carl Alexander is a PHP developer from Montréal, Canada. He's the solo founder of Ymir, a serverless DevOps platform for PHP.
He also has a website where he publishes articles regularly. It's his way to help the PHP community with these hard-to-learn topics. It's also why he's excited to speak at Longhorn PHP. It's another way for him to help the PHP community.
Besides that, he's been a WordPress Montréal organizer since 2010. He also helps organize other WordPress events during the year. You can find him on Twitter and GitHub.

Chris Hartjes
Been building web applications of all shapes and sizes since 1998. Author of multiple books about getting better at testing your PHP code. Performance artist on Twitter. Not grumpy in person.

Chris Holland
Chris Holland leads a small Software Engineering Team at an HR company. Throughout a career spanning more than 20 years, Chris has held Sr. Engineering and Leadership roles for small and large successful publicly-traded companies such as EarthLink and Internet Brands, serving business models across Content, Commerce, Travel & Finance on a wide variety of technology stacks including PHP/LAMP, Java/J2EE and C#/.Net, catering to audiences over 100 million monthly visitors.
Chris is also a contributor to NomadPHP and php[architect] magazine, and has been published in CIOReview.

Dave Liddament
Dave is a director and developer at Lamp Bristol, a software consultancy. He’s been writing software commercially for over 20 years in many languages including C, Python, Java and PHP.
Dave is keen to pass on his knowledge. He speaks at conferences and user groups. He is an organiser of PHP-SW. He also runs a monthly workshop that covers topics including testing, CI and git.
He is also the author of an open source tool called SARB (static analysis results baseliner).
When not busy coding Dave enjoys scuba diving and running.

Ghlen Nagels
Ghlen Nagels is a Web Developer and Graph Database Consultant. He maintains the Neo4j PHP driver, helps with many other open source projects and is involved with multiple startups and corporate projects. You’ll likely find him running on the trails or enjoying some of his local favourite Belgian beers with his friends when he is not behind his keyboard.

Gunnard Engebreth
Gunnard Engebreth a developer at 7Sigma Systems (NOC Management). Living in the North Georgia Blue Ridge mountains he spends his time managing code and databases as well as goats and chickens.

Hilary Stohs-Krause
Hilary is a full-stack software developer, currently based in Madison, WI, where she builds Rails-based web applications at Ten Forward Consulting.
She's spoken at conferences around the country and internationally, including RailsConf 2017, SXSW 2018 and Write/Speak/Code 2018. Outside of work, she volunteers with several tech and community organizations, and co-runs Madison Women in Tech, a local group with more than 1,600 members.
She tweets tech, feminism and all the puns at @hilarysk.

Jason McCreary
Jason McCreary, or JMac, has been writing code for over two decades. He's the creator of Laravel Shift and author of courses like BaseCode, Getting Git, and Confident Laravel.

Jeremy Lindblom
Principal software engineer at GoDaddy. PHP developer for 15+ years. Ex-Amazonian (AWS). Past contributor to Guzzle and the AWS SDK for PHP. Co-organizer of Arizona PHP User Group. Sings and writes lyrics about PHP and other programming topics as the PHPBard. Father of 4. Maker of funny faces.

Jim Seconde
A trained actor with a curious background: from Theatre Studies, to Q/A, to Business Intelligence development, to full stack web development, I am the resident specialist PHP Developer Advocate at Global Cloud Communications giant Vonage. I founded Birmingham, UK's current PHP usergroup BrumPHP, as well as being on the Fusion Meetup team. I mentor, write and speak on PHP, Javascript, DevOps, DevRel and tech culture. I pretended to be a DJ on the way.

Jim Wigginton
Born and raised in Austin, Jim Wigginton has been developing in PHP for 20+ years. He was a member of the phpBB Group from 2005 to 2011, starting off as a member of the Modifications Team and eventually working his way up to being a core developer. In 2007 Jim started working on phpseclib.

John Congdon
John Congdon is one of the people behind PHP Architect and the development team at the DiegoDev Group. He's also one of the hosts of the long running podcast, PHP Ugly. When he's not floating in the sky paragliding or spending time with his family, you can typically catch John talking, studying, or coding PHP. Passionate about the PHP language and community, he enjoys both learning and teaching all the latest skills and best practices. Conference speaker, writer, and podcaster.

Jorge Gonzalez
Jorge Gonzalez is a Technical Lead on the PMG Engineering team, focused on building complex yet highly scalable solutions that gives the company's users and customers unique advantages and enable business impact. Prior to PMG, Jorge was a developer at Norwegian Cruise Line, Ubisoft, and Netlift, engineering projects ranging from e-commerce ecosystems to mobile application backends. He holds a BS and masters in computer science from Cuba's Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas.

Katy Ereira
Geeky software developer, prolific knitter, avid allotmenteer, health seeker, 日本語 speaker.

Keith Casey
Keith Casey serves on the Product/GTM Team at ngrok helping teams launch their systems faster and easier than ever before. Previously, he served on the Product Team at Okta working on Identity and Authentication APIs, as an early Developer Evangelist at Twilio, and worked to answer the Ultimate Geek Question at the Library of Congress. His underlying goal is to get good technology into the hands of good people to do great things. In his spare time, he writes at CaseySoftware.com and lives in the woods. He is also a co-author of “A Practical Approach to API Design.”

Leslie Martinich
Like many of you, I wear many hats. I am an author, influential tech expert and speaker. A long-time development team leader. A software engineer. A wife and mother. A former science and technology policy advisor to the US Congress.
After seeing both success and failure in the tech industry, and seeing disgruntled star employees leave because of poor management, I initiated a program to improve the leadership and communication skills required to direct gifted people and talented teams. The results: These are LEARNABLE skills!
I’ve shared insights and humor at NASA, HP, 3M, TI, Dell, Engie, Lek Pharmaceuticals, and IBM. My down-to-earth humor and real scenarios connect quickly with leaders. A senior director at NASA told me, “Now I finally get it!” That felt good!
I help leaders to build teams that OWN their projects and deliver them on schedule. The techniques I offer, with practice, are easy and useful. Anyone can learn these skills, and, once learned, I promise that they will improve the quality of both your business life and your personal life.
I’ve spoken at events on every continent except Antarctica! I work to bring about change in people’s lives; change that will bring them greater effectiveness and greater success.
When I’m not speaking at an event, you might find me at a tech conference (I’m the Awards Chair for a region of IEEE). Or you might find me at the theater (I’m the Board President for Austin Shakespeare). Or, you might even find me singing old rock and roll songs with my husband!
- Leadership Improv Workshop

Mark Niebergall
Mark Niebergall is a security-minded PHP senior software engineer at a cybersecurity software company, with many years of hands-on experience with PHP projects. He is the Utah PHP User Group Co-Organizer, a regular conference speaker, and an occasional author. Mark has a Masters degree in MIS, is CSSLP and SSCP cybersecurity certified, and volunteers for (ISC)2 security exam development. Mark enjoys endurance sports, being outdoors, and teaching his five boys how to push buttons and use technology.

Matthew Turland
Matthew Turland has been working with PHP since 2002. He has been an author and technical editor for php|architect Magazine, spoken at numerous conferences, and contributed to multiple PHP projects. He is the author of "Web Scraping with PHP, 2nd Edition" and co-author of SitePoint's "PHP Master: Write Cutting-Edge Code." In his spare time, he likes to bend PHP to his will to scrape web pages and build the occasional application.
- Automating the Web Talk

Michael Miles
Mike is passionate about development and working with the latest open source technologies. He has been working in web engineering since 2003, utilizing a number of different technologies, languages and frameworks. He has been working with PHP since 2003, and the Drupal Framework since 2008 and is a regular contributor to the community and project. Since 2015 he has been the lead organizer of the Boston Drupal Meetup Group.
In his day-to-day role as Director of Web Development at MIT Sloan, Mike leads the development, maintenance and growth of the digital properties for the school, as well as, the development team that supports them. Outside of his day to day, Mike is the host of the podcast Developing Up, which is focused on the non-technical side of being a developer. He is a public speaker and regularly presents at technical conferences around the world. Since 2013 Mike has presented over 52 talks across 48 different conferences/camps, in 4 different countries.

Milana Cap
Milana Cap is a WordPress engineer at XWP, WordPress Documentation Team representative, and Documentation Focus lead for WordPress 5.8 and co-lead for WordPress 5.9, 6.0, and 6.1 release cycles.
She helped organise some of the largest WordPress conferences, WordCamp Europe 2018 and 2019, with focus on Contributor Days.
Being a single mum in Serbia, she developed a superpower of fighting the odds. Easily bribed with dark chocolate and a nice piece of bacon.

Nicole Gibson
A software engineer on PMG's agile technology team, Nicole Gibson is one of the key drivers behind the company's award-winning Alli technology platform — in terms of development as well as evangelism across the organization. They played a critical role in the redesign and expansion of Alli's Audience Shifts feature, and drove a 50% reduction in support tickets through companywide training. Nicole also partners with PMG's data science team to build and evolve a machine learning pipeline. They joined PMG after leading test automation at General Motors, and graduated cum laude from Texas State University, with a degree in Computer Information Systems.

Ralph Schindler
Ralph is a Principal Engineer at Ziff Davis, a company which produces high traffic sites such as PCMag.com, Mashable, TechBargains, and Offers.com. His experiences with PHP date back to the late 1900's during the days of PHP 3 and since that time found himself contributing to Zend Framework 1 & 2, PHP core itself (::class support), and most recently: the Laravel framework. Ralph is currently located in his native home-town, New Orleans. When not in front of his computer, he can be found hacking on home-owner projects, playing chauffeur for his 3 boys and their various activities, or hanging out with his spectacular wife Jenny.

Rob Allen
Rob Allen is a software developer with many years experience in a variety of interesting languages. He's particularly interested in APIs and the ecosystem around them along and contributes to Slim Framework, rst2pdf & Apache OpenWhisk along with other open source projects. Rob is a published author, based in the UK and works as VP of Engineering at Covie. In his spare time, Rob blogs at akrabat.com and can often be seen with a camera in his hand.